About a week ago, a distributor from the energy drink company, Wave, offered to send samples of a rather new energy drink. Wave might jog your memory, as its logo is somewhat universal. It's the design on NASCAR driver Mike Bliss's car, and apparently they drive a sedan around with the logo of Wave stickered all around the car. I did a bit of snooping around on Wave's website, and I found out some cool facts: they use all natural flavors, they claim to have lower caffeine & carbonation, and have a Crimson appeal, for "sophistication." It's neat to see Wave post their ingredients list and nutrition facts on their site. Taking a glance, I quickly become alarmed at the sight of 300 calories, and 70 grams of sugar per can. After 100+ reviews, I can't say I've come across a 16 ounce can packed with that much. Nonetheless, I got to sample some Wave before I started this review, which I feel is crucial to accurately review the drink.
All right, so I break open the 16 ounce can, and immediately recognize the homey scent of a Monster clone. I understand I use the term heavily, though I feel it appertains to the situation, especially this one. The color is a beautiful light red/pink color, as I pour it out of the can and into a glass. I won't just judge until I try more, but so far, I find a basic cotton candy, apple, raspberry, and bubble gum, as an initial flavor. However, I'm impressed Wave literally meant lightly carbonated. It's got just enough carbonation to tingly the tip of your tongue, and just enough to allow you to chug without the uncomfortableness you usually get from other energy drinks or sodas. Getting to about halfway done with the drink, I find the flavor to be more dynamic than your average Monster clone, there's less bubble gum/cotton candy flavor, and more dry, wild berry flavor, while maintaining the same sweet and tartness. I hardly found a reason for the high amount of sugar, as this drink is hardly as sweet as I initially expected it to be, and is about as sweet as a Monster, if not less sweet. Overall, a good Monster Clone, but I don't think you're missing too much by picturing old Red Bull/Monster with some added dryness, and sweet-tartness.
Looking at the nutrition facts, there's about 300 calories and 70 grams of sugar per serving, like mentioned earlier in the review. There's about 1.14 grams of proprietary (energy) blend, which contains an undisclosed amount of taurine, caffeine, inositol, L-Lysine, Choline Bitartrate, and Guarana Seed. In one can, there's also carbonated water, sugar, dextrose, citric acid, sodium citrate, natural flavor, black carrot juice, Elderberry extract, purple sweet potato, L-Lysine, niacin, red cabbage juice, D-calcium pantothenate, pryidoxine hydrochloride, thiamin, and cyanocobalamin. A few uncommon ingredients in Wave, such as black carrot, elderberry, red cabbage, and purple sweet potato, all have something in common -- the color. Of course Wave doesn't use these ingredients much for flavoring, I believe, but instead to give it that beautiful, light crimson color. Wave delivered an interesting kick. It wasn't so much based on caffeine, but I felt the utilization of B vitamins to deliver a kick chock-full of alertness, and overall strength revamped in my body. When all is said and done, Wave has a generic Red Bull-like flavor, with just a few added twists, but I have to admit I enjoyed the kick more than anything.
Taste: 7. 5 - A basic bubble gum/berry/apple flavor with few variances
Kick: 8.4 - Fantastic kick, full not just of caffeine, but plenty of vitamins
Overall: 8 - Expect Wave to be a well-known company in the near future. Be sure and grab a can.
Reviewed by: Chan